[From my wife's Email, her paramour details his 11 brief contacts with my daughter prior to the abduction. Actual contacts are marked with "[***]". It is worth noting that _none_ of these contacts were visits with my daughter, but, rather, were parties or family events or engagements with my wife at which my daughter happened to be present. Prior to her suing him for paternity as a means of usurping custody of both of my children, my wife's paramour had never evinced any interest in my daughter for her own sake.] Hello, love - I pulled together *all* the clues I could find and put them into the timeline; let me know if there's anything you can add ... Love, Steve Updated timeline (Includes stuff culled from physical mail and email.) 12/14/88 -- Meri was born 12/16/88 -- Gary came by work to let me know about Meri being born 12/19-22/88 -- I was in LA helping debug software for a customer, thinking a lot about having become a father. On the trip there the plane stopped over in Phoenix and I thought of Greg having lived there. I bought Xmas cards there, still have some of them, and wrote cards to some friends who knew about you, planning to tell them about Meri's birth, what it felt like to me, but never sent them. It remains my only trip to Arizona. 2/89 - You visited Apollo, I saw you in Paul's lobby area showing Meri to Kathy Misherfi and another woman. I thought you saw me passing by in the corridor, but you don't remember it. Later I saw you take her out to your car. [***] 4/89 - You called me at work, then visited me with Meri so we wouldn't be completely shocked running into each other at FHF. We went down to the Casablanca conference room, had some privacy there. You had an activity blanket for her in the diaper bag. We talked about going on with life (I was dating Lucinda then, and I think I told you so). I held Meri for a minute. Mimi was probably conceived that night. 4/89 - You and Meri and Greg sat behind me at FHF. I remember Meri started crying and you had to take her out, to a (not unkind) wisecrack by Peikoff. 5-6/89 - You called me to congratulate me on getting married and being pregnant. 11/20/89 - You wrote me the letter regretting having hurt me, told me all about Meri, asked me if I wanted to keep in touch about Meri. 12/15/89 - You wrote me another note, including photos, and asked me for a response so you'd know where you stood with me. 12/21/89 - I wrote back, telling you about Mimi being born the day before. 12/26/89 - You sent me a card of congratulations, with a painting "The Firstborn", told me about your mother's stroke, about how Meri had reconciled the two of you, and how grateful you were for Meri and for that. 12/2?/89 - You sent us all a Christmas card, too. 1/11/90 - You sent a change of address flyer, asked if we were getting any sleep. [***] 1/?/90 - You called to suggest a lunch together, we met at Bainbridge's and had lunch. Meri was just barely walking, showed off how she could stand by herself and sink down into a sitting position on the floor -- but I don't think she was really walking, and therefore this was before 1/23? I remember a man leaving Bainbridge's and patting her on the head in her high chair, to your discomfort. I probably told you all about Lucinda's nursing woes. 1/23/90 - You sent me the flyer on Meri's first steps. [***] 2/?/90 - We met at the Pheasant Lane Mall, walked the mall, visited the Child Learning Center. Meri had to be distracted with your keys at one point. I don't remember where/if we had lunch that day; it may have been an afternoon kind of thing. 2/5/90 - You sent me a thank you card for our afternoon at the mall. [***] 4/?/90 - We crawled the Burlington Mall, visited their Child Learning Center (Meri did *not* want to leave, did *not* want to get into her stroller.) We ate at the Jordan Marsh restaurant. 5/14/90 - I sent you some mail letting you know how things were going. I had seen you that day leaving the front door of 300 Apollo with Meri after visiting Suzanne, and I had Mimi with me while Lucinda was at her therapy appointment, so I joked how we came close to all running into each other at the front door. I sent a Paramount tape along with it. ?/90 - I saw you and Meri eating with Suzanne at the Manning Manse (in its Chinese restaurant incarnation) while I was at a going away party [***] 9/90 - Suzanne's birthday party in the Casbah conference room. I joined you for cake. Meri was eating very nicely with a fork, drew on the whiteboards. Started drawing on the wall until you asked her to only draw on the "special" walls. 9/7/90 - I have unsent mail for you giving my family medical history, also thanking you for the bib you gave Mimi, also saying I enjoyed seeing you; must have been a reference to the birthday party? I have two drafts; the second excises most of the non-medical stuff -- I must have been of two minds over what to say and what not to say. [***] 12/90 - We met at Lisa's going away party, as did the two girls, as did you and Lucinda, as did Greg and I. Meri reaching out to touch Mimi. Greg read some of Mimi's books to Meri. The two girls didn't really try to interact; Mimi was too busy learning how to cruise around Lisa's coffee table. It was a little funny knowing that some people like Andrea and Michelle Walsh knew our secret (I remember Michelle asking me how I was feeling.) 12/90 - You called to ask if it would be ok for you to get to know Lucinda better. I said sure (I was probably wrong ). 12/90 - I gave Meri a recorder for Christmas (just like the one I gave Mimi). [***] 1/91 - You and Meri and Greg came to the Happy Feet Party. Meri walking through the house humming and blowing through her recorder. I played some clarinet that night. I'm pretty sure that was the evening the top came off of Mimi's toy piano and I grabbed it before anyone could hurt themselves on the nails. 3(?)/91 - Ford Hall Forum; I took Mimi and Lucinda; we ate dinner with you and Greg at Amalfi's, talked about Twin Peaks, then walked to the forum (Lucinda flirted with Greg). This time *I* had to leave with Mimi to a Peikoff wisecrack, spent a lot of the lecture letting Mimi climb up and down the stairs to the balcony. Did we stop for ice cream on the way out? I think so. [***] 7(?)/91 - The day at the beach, Lucinda, Mimi and me; you, Meri, and almost Cameron. You were *immense* -- which made you seem magnificent to me, but that it was *his* baby. I had only seen you pregnant with Meri once, probably in 9/88, in the main corridor (it was shattering; even the memory is hard to deal with calmly). My glasses lost a screw just as you arrived at the house, I had to scrounge a screw from a pair of sunglasses. We took separate cars to the beach, then left your car behind and shuttled the rest of the way to the beach parking lot. You brought an umbrella and lots of stuff for Meri to play with; you and Lucinda spent a lot of time out in the water sitting on some rocks while I watched the two girls. Later, Meri joined you out there and I watched Mimi. You remember me as being awkward; I guess I was, wanting to see you, being glad for your pregnancy and yet being horribly jealous of it and of Greg. 4/92 - Lisa's wedding shower. Mimi and Lucinda and I were there; you were there without Meri. Lucinda and I had just consummated our marriage (after almost 3 years), and were on the verge of conceiving. I thought you looked distant, quiet. Mimi was dissappointed that Meri was not there; so was I. 8/92 - You called to talk to Lucinda and I told you about our miscarriage. [***] 1/93 - You and Meri came to the Happy Feet party. You told me you were moving to Arizona. I showed you the Happy to Be Me doll I found for Lucinda. I showed you the Parrish book. We talked a lot, I told you about seeing Andrea, how sick she was. (You said, "*The* Andrea?") [***] 3/93 - We had dinner together at Our House in Andover. I gave you my family medical history (finally!). Lucinda was pregnant again, lots of people at HP were pregnant. We talked a lot about my staying in touch with you and Meri, about giving presents, keeping the girls in touch, about your thought that Meri would have to know someday about me. We hugged goodbye. [***] 3/93 - We all came to your place for your going away party. Mimi and Meri taking pictures. I hugged Meri goodbye. Greg was talking about defending a mountaintop. Cameron climbed into my lap. 3/93 - I called to tell you about the second miscarriage. 12/93 - I sent you Christmas presents: Robin McKinley's "Beauty", Barbara Kingsolver's "Animal Dreams", the Paramount tape and a Bob Pilsbury tape, and some Nancy Drew books for Meridith.